It’s often thought that the first recorded emergency transport was recorded in the Bible in the parable of the Good Samaritan. The parable of the Good Samaritan is a didactic story told by Jesus in Luke 10:25–37. It is about a traveler who is stripped of clothing,...
The Flying Doctors Nigeria offers air and ground ambulance services across Nigeria and West Africa. However, air Ambulances have benefited millions of people around the world since the inception of powered flight. Many famous celebrities from across the world have...
Read here about an extremely complex, critical care air ambulance transfer from Nigeria to South Africa. A few weeks ago, the Flying Doctors Team attended our first ‘resurrection party’ held at the lovely Ginger Tapa’s restaurant on Lagos Island in Nigeria. It was...
Johannesburg is one of the closest centers of medical excellence to Nigeria. When patients require specialist care abroad, South Africa is one of the most common destinations for air ambulance transfers. Read about one such medical evacuation here:...
One of the services that Flying Doctors Nigeria air ambulance Company offers is medical procurement. We can procure anything from a single defibrillator to equipment for an entire offshore medical clinic. These services are important for the oil & gas, mining...