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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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According to WHO, the plague is a very severe disease. There are different kinds of the plague. The plague is contagious and can have severe epidemics through person-to-person contact.

The WHO stated on their website that from 2010 to 2015, there were 3248 cases reported worldwide, and this included 584 deaths.

Historically, the plague was known as the “Black Death” during the fourteenth century. It caused more than 50 million deaths throughout Europe. In our current times, the plague is easily treated with antibiotics. Also, it can be prevented by taking the proper precautions.

There is a lot of false information out there about the plagues, but we thought we should share some important facts about the plague, where it can be found, and some preventative measures.

Important Facts About The Plague

  • There are two main forms of the plague: bubonic and pneumonic. The bubonic plague is the most common form and one would get painful swollen lymph nodes.
  • The plague can be spread between animals and humans in three ways: by the bite of infected fleas, direct contact with infected tissues, and inhalation of infected respiratory droplets.
  • Antibiotic treatment is an effective form of treatment against plague bacteria with early diagnosis and treatment it can help save lives.
  • Currently, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, and Peru are the most vulnerable places for one to get the plague.

Where is the Plague Found in the World?

Plague epidemics have occurred in Africa, Asia, and South America. Since the 1990s, the most human cases have occurred in Africa. In Madagascar cases of bubonic plague are reported nearly every year. This normally happens during the epidemic season between September and April.

Managing Future Plague Outbreaks

WHO stated on their website ways to help prevent any future plague outbreaks. We are going to share them with you now. It is important for us to do our part, so we can help prevent any future outbreaks.

  • Find and stop the source of infection. Identify the most likely source of infection in the area where the human case(s) was exposed, typically looking for clustered areas with large numbers of small animal deaths.
  • Protect health workers. Inform and train healthcare workers on infection prevention and control of the plague.
  • Ensure correct treatment: Make sure that patients are being given appropriate antibiotic treatment. Also, it is very important to make sure that there are enough antibiotics.
  • Isolate patients with pneumonic plague. Patients should be isolated so they do not to infect others via air droplets. Also, it would beneficial to provide masks for pneumonic patients can reduce spreading the plague.
  • Disinfection. Routine hand-washing is recommended with soap and water. Larger areas can be disinfected by using 10% of diluted household bleach that is made daily.

Please remember the plague is a serious health condition that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Make sure that you or someone that you know gets treated as soon as possible if you get infected with the plague. Be sure to do your part to help prevent any future plague outbreaks in your area.

We hope this information helped you understand the plague better.

Have any questions about the plague for us? Leave them down in the comments down below.