Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
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Keep your medical equipment in top shape with our "FREE Diagnostics & Evaluations" Health Check Campaign!
Click on this link to schedule a free check up:

Making your home healthy should be one of the major aspects to focus on as an individual when looking/seeking to improve your health and that of your family as a whole. You may wonder why this is, as often, things such as eating the right food and/or exercising are the first few thoughts that usually would come to mind whenever the subject matter of improving health arise.

Notwithstanding this, there is also a need to effect measures that will ensure our homes are healthy. As the saying goes, “home is where the heart is” and bodies of research have as well shown that we spend the larger percentage/part of our time at home which makes it very important to develop ways to make our home healthier. (Source)

If you are interested in making your house a haven, consider the following few tips below:

  1. Invest in an air purifier: Breathing in clean air is pertinent to one’s health. Thus the first step you might want to take to ensure you have a healthy home is to ensure you are breathing in clean air and getting a good air purifier can help you achieve this. Recent studies have established a link between air pollutants such as fine particulate matter and health conditions like heart disease and lung-related illnesses. 
  2. Avoid preserving foods in plastics: As much as possible, only use glass containers to store foods, either leftovers or meals you prepare deliberately (soup) to last for a few days. Plastic containers usually contain toxic chemicals that can not only affect your hormones but can also lead to cancer. On the other hand, glasses are reusable, recyclable and do not leach.
  3. Use Water Filters: If drinking water from the tap and/or sink is the norm in your home, getting a water filter will go a long way in helping ensure that the water you and your loved ones drink is not contaminated. Water is one thing we all can’t do without thus the need to ensure you only drink clean healthy water in other to avoid health conditions, consuming contaminated water will cause.
  4. Get rid of dust: As irrelevant as it might seem, ensuring your home is free from dust is pertinent to your health. According to the American Lung Foundation, frequent exposure to dust mites could cause allergies and/or asthma. (Source) Thus, be deliberate about ensuring your home is free of dust, be it under the bed, in the wardrobes, on your bookshelf, etc.  
  5.  Avoid Chemical-based products: As an alternative to chemical-based insecticides, pesticides and/or cleaners, use more friendly products that are less harmful. Numerous bodies of research have established a link between toxic chemicals and a wide range of different health problems. Examples include toxic chemicals triggering and even aggravating asthma.
  6. Grow a garden: If you happen to have sufficient room to spare, grow your garden and plant trees around your home if possible. Plants serve as natural filters as well as absorbers of pollutant when planted around the home.
  7. Quit smoking indoors: Whether first hand or secondhand smoke or third, smoking is extremely hazardous to human health. Recent research has also shown that third-hand smoke-the stuff that comes out of cigarettes and then sticks to the walls and or furniture- also embodies some of the toxic materials from cigarettes.  Avoid smoking completely.
  8. Limit the use of air fresheners: As much as possible, only use the fresheners when necessary. Fresheners emit chemicals called Volatile Organic Chemicals into the air which are harmful. Using an exhaust fan will be a better alternative to quench odors if it is a frequent issue.
  9. Use non-slip mats: Particularly in your bathrooms, install non-slip mats to prevent falls in the bathroom. Evidence has shown that falls remain a leading cause of injury for both old and young people.
  10. Use recyclable products: When next you go shopping for groceries, keep your eyes out for products with high recyclable content. Go for foods item like cereals, toilet tissue packaged in recyclable cardboard.

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