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Healthy aging isn’t looking eighteen at 30-something. It is more about being able to live one’s best life – mentally and physically. However, several factors hinder the possibility of that best life.

WHO defines Healthy Aging as “the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age”. Here, “functional ability” is a person’s ability to do what they want and love; such as being able to meet basic needs, be mobile, build as well as maintain relationships, make decisions, and contribute to society.

Below are tips to create an environment and opportunities that aid healthy aging.


Exercise is important in building a great and healthy body system. According to research, regular exercise lowers the possibility of having diseases such as cancer and heart disease. It also helps strengthen the body system.

The goal is to be active enough to prevent, delay, or manage chronic diseases. A proper and regular exercise helps to improve balance and stamina as well as brain health.

Mind your Diet

Dieting as a means to keep the body healthy is important. It’s about being kind to the body and making choices as regards eating and drinking healthy. Some of these choices include reducing salt intake, avoiding the use of solid fats for cooking, and staying away from processed foods.

To improve your diet, eat more fruits; vegetables; whole grains; lean meats; low-fat dairy products; and drink water regularly.

Mental Health Matters

Healthy aging goes beyond a person’s physical health. It is the combination of a person’s physical and mental health. The need to stay happy and reduce stress levels to boost mental health is key to aging healthy. Some of the ways to improve mental health include:

  • Building meaningful relationships and a strong social network.
  • Taking time out to engage in activities you enjoy. 
  • Approaching life with a positive attitude.

Quit Smoking and Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Smoking and heavy alcohol consumption are activities shown, over the years, to cause more harm than often imagined. People who partake in such activities are at greater risk of diseases. While smoking isn’t easy to quit, it’s important to seek medical advice from a healthcare professional.

As for alcohol, limit its intake to the recommended amount to avoid health risks such as alcohol-induced liver disease.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep in a day is crucial for human health, which in turn improves healthy aging. It is important to mental and physical health as well as one’s skin health.

However, it is an aspect of good health practice that people often overlook. The lack of sleep has been linked to many chronic diseases and conditions such as weight gain, depression, weakened immune system, heart disease, hypertension, high blood pressure, stroke, etc

Depending on a person’s age, it is important to observe the recommended hours of sleep every day.

Lower Your Stress Level

Stress is one of many factors that often hinder healthy aging. Over the years, stress has been shown to cause different health issues from wrinkled face and premature aging to increased risk of heart disease.

However, some of the proven ways to relieve stress include, getting adequate sleep, regular exercise, and partaking in different relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, etc.

See a Doctor Regularly

To ensure healthy aging, cultivate a habit of visiting a doctor. Frequent visits to the hospital will help detect health issues at an early stage or before they occur. Some factors like age, family history, lifestyle, or existing health conditions can influence how often you visit the doctor.
Having a medical plan like a medevac cover is another great way to prepare for emergencies.

There you have it. Some of the tips for healthy aging. Also, it’s important to note that no matter your health concerns – chronic diseases, weight gain or sex drive, a healthy lifestyle aids healthy aging.