First Aid Training And By Stander Effect In Oil And Gas Sectors Globally, people that work in the oil and gas industry work in high risk environments. However, one of the elements of risk mitigation, is ensuring that there are competent trained, first aiders available...
The Robert Gordon University carried out an extensive study which focused on effective supervisory safety leadership behaviors in the offshore oil and gas industry. The study provided the industry with further evidence of the importance of the supervisor in the...
Occupational stress can no longer be considered an occasional, personal issue. It has become global phenomenon, which can affect any category of employee in almost any workplace in any country. This trend is coupled with mounting costs to the individual, to industry...
During Southern Hemisphere summer rainy seasons in Brazil, cases of Yellow Fever has always been at its peak as such there is ongoing plan to vaccinate millions of individuals to help curb the spread to more persons as such all health professional have been alerted to...
Medical emergencies related to ill health or an accident can happen anywhere at any time. A first aid course will ensure you know what to do. Here are 3 exciting things that you will learn how to do on in our first aid course: How to use an AED (automated external...
Air ambulance services are still relatively rare in Africa. The Flying Doctors Nigeria was the first indigenous air ambulance service in the whole of West Africa and has been saving lives across the continent for almost ten years!! Learn a little about our global...