It’s International Women’s Day 2018 and we are all about celebrating all women who have in the press for progress, stood their ground, made innovations, made a stand, and blazed trails for men and women alike to go through. We are celebrating women in Science, the...
Dear Healthcare Professional, How many patients have come to you and again and again with the same complaints? It just may be that they did not hear you the first time. Or they did but did not understand your instructions. Introduction According to research conducted...
Today being the 6th February, 2018 is the sixth year of celebrating zero tolerance to this non beneficial practise. The theme “Ending Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting is a Political Decision” have been chosen to draw the attention of relevant stakeholders, or we be...
WHAT IS DECOMPRESSION SICKNESS Decompression sickness (DSC, also known as generalized barotrauma, the bends or caisson disease) is as a result of inadequate decompression following exposure to increased pressure. It refers to injuries caused by a rapid decrease in the...
It is a common myth that darker skinned people from Africa, India and parts of South American are immune to skin cancer and therefore do not need to take precautions in the sun such as wearing sunscreen and seeking shelter during the hottest hours of the day....