WHAT IS DECOMPRESSION SICKNESS Decompression sickness (DSC, also known as generalized barotrauma, the bends or caisson disease) is as a result of inadequate decompression following exposure to increased pressure. It refers to injuries caused by a rapid decrease in the...
Introduction Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle goal. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and...
Benin, a French-speaking West African nation, is a birthplace of the vodun (or “voodoo”) religion and home to the former Dahomey Kingdom from circa 1600–1900. Some major cities in Benin include Cotonou, Port-novo, Parakaou, Djougou, Bohicon and Kandi. The major...
The Flying Doctors Medevac program offers air ambulance and remote site services which include: Medical staffing Occupational health services Malaria prophylaxis Emergency medical assistance Boat ambulances sales & hire Ground ambulance services Ground ambulance...